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Accessing diagnostic estimate data


estimates(x, at, ...)

# S3 method for triptych_mcbdsc
estimates(x, ...)

# S3 method for triptych_murphy
estimates(x, at = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for triptych_reliability
estimates(x, at = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for triptych_roc
estimates(x, at = NULL, p1 = mean(observations(x)), ...)



An object from which the estimate information should be extracted.


A vector of thresholds where x should be evaluated.


Additional arguments passed to other methods.


The unconditional event probability. Used in combination with at to determine the diagonal lines along which to determine the estimate.


A tibble with the relevant information describing the diagnostic estimate (Murphy curve, reliability curve, ROC curve, score decomposition) for all supplied forecasting methods.

For a Murphy curve, a tibble with columns: forecast, knot (the threshold value), limit ("left" or "right" in knot, only present if at = NULL), mean_score.

For a reliability curve, a tibble with columns: forecast, CEP, x (the knots of the isotonic regression estimate).

For a ROC curve, a tibble with columns: forecast, FAR (false alarm rate), HR (hit rate).

For a MCBDSC decomposition, a tibble with columns: forecast, mean_score, MCB (miscalibration), DSC (discrimination), UNC (uncertainty).


data(ex_binary, package = "triptych")
tr <- triptych(ex_binary)

#> # A tibble: 20,018 × 4
#>    forecast     knot limit mean_score
#>    <chr>       <dbl> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1 X01      0        left    0       
#>  2 X01      0        right   0       
#>  3 X01      1.19e-23 left    1.24e-23
#>  4 X01      1.19e-23 right   1.24e-23
#>  5 X01      3.84e-23 left    4.00e-23
#>  6 X01      3.84e-23 right   3.99e-23
#>  7 X01      9.45e-22 left    9.83e-22
#>  8 X01      9.45e-22 right   9.81e-22
#>  9 X01      9.82e-20 left    1.02e-19
#> 10 X01      9.82e-20 right   1.02e-19
#> # ℹ 20,008 more rows
#> # A tibble: 374 × 3
#>    forecast   CEP        x
#>    <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 X01      0     1.19e-23
#>  2 X01      0     5.70e- 2
#>  3 X01      0.1   5.77e- 2
#>  4 X01      0.1   1.24e- 1
#>  5 X01      0.167 1.25e- 1
#>  6 X01      0.167 1.54e- 1
#>  7 X01      0.3   1.56e- 1
#>  8 X01      0.3   1.84e- 1
#>  9 X01      0.321 1.87e- 1
#> 10 X01      0.321 3.06e- 1
#> # ℹ 364 more rows
#> # A tibble: 197 × 3
#>    forecast    FAR    HR
#>    <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 X01      1      1    
#>  2 X01      0.395  1    
#>  3 X01      0.308  0.990
#>  4 X01      0.280  0.983
#>  5 X01      0.266  0.977
#>  6 X01      0.197  0.941
#>  7 X01      0.176  0.929
#>  8 X01      0.148  0.906
#>  9 X01      0.140  0.900
#> 10 X01      0.0766 0.843
#> # ℹ 187 more rows
#> # A tibble: 10 × 5
#>    forecast mean_score     MCB    DSC   UNC
#>    <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 X01          0.0827 0.00474 0.172  0.250
#>  2 X02          0.127  0.0233  0.146  0.250
#>  3 X03          0.134  0.0172  0.132  0.250
#>  4 X04          0.194  0.0587  0.114  0.250
#>  5 X05          0.222  0.0723  0.100  0.250
#>  6 X06          0.180  0.00494 0.0748 0.250
#>  7 X07          0.212  0.0211  0.0590 0.250
#>  8 X08          0.235  0.0263  0.0410 0.250
#>  9 X09          0.303  0.0818  0.0282 0.250
#> 10 X10          0.312  0.0772  0.0148 0.250