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A ROC curve visualizes discrimination ability by displaying the hit rate against the false alarm rate for all threshold values.


roc(x, y_var = "y", ..., y = NULL, concave = TRUE)

as_roc(x, r)



A data frame, list, matrix, or other object that can be coerced to a tibble. Contains numeric forecasts, and observations (optional).


A variable in x that contains observations. Specified as the argument varin dplyr::pull().




A numeric vector of observations. If supplied, overrides y_var. Otherwise, defaults to dplyr::pull(x, y_var).


A boolean value indicating whether to calculate the concave hull or the raw ROC diagnostic.


A reference triptych_mcbdsc object whose attributes are used for casting.


A triptych_roc object, that is a vctrs_vctr subclass, and has a length equal to number of forecasting methods supplied in x. Each entry is named according to the corresponding forecasting method, and contains a list of named objects:

  • estimate: A data frame of hit rates and false rates.

  • region: Either an empty list, or a data frame of pointwise confidence intervals (along diagonal lines with slope \(-\pi_0/\pi_1\)) added by add_confidence().

  • x: The numeric vector of original forecasts.

Access is most convenient through estimates(), regions(), and forecasts().

See also

Accessors: estimates(), regions(), forecasts(), observations()

Adding uncertainty quantification: add_confidence()

Visualization: plot.triptych_roc(), autoplot.triptych_roc()


data(ex_binary, package = "triptych")

rc <- roc(ex_binary)
#> <triptych_roc[10]>
#>             X01             X02             X03             X04             X05 
#> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> 
#>             X06             X07             X08             X09             X10 
#> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> <named list[3]> 

# 1. Choose 4 predictions
# 2. Visualize
# 3. Adjust the title of the legend
rc[c(1, 3, 6, 9)] |>
  autoplot() +
  ggplot2::guides(colour = ggplot2::guide_legend("Forecast"))

# Build yourself using accessors
df_est <- estimates(rc[c(1, 3, 6, 9)])
ggplot(df_est, aes(x = FAR, y = HR, col = forecast)) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = 0, xend = 1, yend = 1)) +